In most cases, this will indicate that your computer's Internet connection is working fine. Did you know you can get any Windows computer’s MAC address without leaving your chair Simply open a command prompt and type: getmac /s viper. I can ping a mac using the gui's tool ping, but the command ping does not want to ping a mac-address and neither does the script work for me. Ideally, for a healthy Internet connection, you want to see four packets sent, four packets received, and 0% packet loss. Follow these instructions to run ping in Windows 7, 8, or 10 as a continuous test. The statistics tell you how many of the packets were received by the server or site you are pinging, and the percentage of packet loss the command registered.

A standard Windows ping command sends out four packets of information. Note the ping command only works if the Mac is online, and if the server you are pinging is online, and responds to ping requests. In that example, -c 5 will send 5 packets to the destination IP. The key part of the output is the "ping statistics" section at the bottom. Hit return and let ping complete to the destination for the specified packet count before automatically terminating the ping. Minimum = 39ms, Maximum = 41ms, Average = 39ms Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),Īpproximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Whether the host is contacted, your ARP table will be populated with the MAC address, thus validating that the host is up and running. Reply from 12.34.567.890: bytes=32 time=40ms TTL=54 The easiest way to ping a MAC address on Windows is to use the ping command and to specify the IP address of the computer you want to verify. If Ethernet is the only connection to your computer at the time you run getmac. Reply from 12.34.567.890: bytes=32 time=41ms TTL=54 In the command prompt window, you can type either getmac or ipconfig /all. if possible it will resolve the hostname of a specified IP address.-f-f ping cmd option is used if you want to prevent routers from the fragmentation of ICMP Echo Requests between source and the target.For troubleshooting of Path Maximum Transmission Unit (PMTU) issues -f option is used. If it is unable to ping the server, the output will read "ping request could not find host." If the command pings the server successfully, the output will look like this: a: If you want to resolve the hostname of a target IP address, use (-a) ping command option.